
Each of us is an amazingly complex individual with a unique combination of personality traits, likes, dislikes, attitudes and emotional responses. We see the world through our own lens and react in often predictable patterns, much like the algorithm written into a computer chip. 


When you input data into a chip, the algorithm determines the output.  In the same way,

your personality, with all its facets, is going to determine how you respond to the ‘data’ coming at you from the world.

Our algorithm works sub-consciously; we usually not aware of the process and just react according to our built-in programming, which feels natural to us because it’s familiar.

But unlike computer chips we are self-aware.

We can change our algorithms and the way we interact with the world. We can get better. And the first step is to understand our current algorithm. This is why we should try to understand ourselves as thoroughly as we can.